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Data Centre Coronavirus Update


In view of the increasing global spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), now upgraded to a pandemic on 11th March 2020 by the World Health Organisation (WHO), we would like to inform you of Rack Centre’s actions to date and into the foreseeable future. We have put in place recommended preventive measures and health practices for all employees, and visitors to the premises.

A Rack Centre COVID-19 Critical Response Team was constituted on 27th February 2020 to define and commence a comprehensive business continuity program to address various scenarios including an unlikely worst-case facility lock-down. In all scenarios, our priority is to continue to provide uninterrupted service and ensure the safety of employees, customers and business partners.

To ensure facility continuity and service delivery during this period, the following measures were immediately put into effect:

  • Prioritisation of health check procedures before access is granted into the facility with temperature check guns for all employees and visitors to the facility.
  • The availability of alcohol-based hand sanitisers at multiple areas, increased cleaning frequency of all offices and access points using more cleaning and sanitising products, multiple cleaning and sanitising of door handles, surfaces and push bars.
  • Regular assessment of local conditions as communicated by authorities and engagement of key staff to ensure seamless engagement with local authorities, should that be required.
  • Regular communication on preventive health and lifestyle tips to staff, with a directive to stop hand shaking, and maintaining physical separation. All non-critical travel stopped.
  • Identification of all critical resources and routine maintenance schedules while prioritising critical services to allocate appropriate personnel if staff availability is impacted.
  • Work-from-home access has been further tested for secure remote-hands capabilities for critical staff while ensuring the high-level security provisioning.
  • Identification and engagement with all critical contractors and partners in the supply chain to ensure end-to-end readiness and coordination, increase of all critical spares, and secured supply chain of delivery of fuel to the facility. Ensure fuel availability to full capacity.
  • Our critical response plan includes the preparation of isolation areas in the event of a lock-down scenario, including stocks special outfits for staff and suppliers should that be required.

We continue to closely monitor local and global developments and advisory, and we modify our critical response activities as new insights are provided. We thank you for your support and understanding as we continue to monitor the impact and challenges of the COVID-19 situation, we will review and share updates as we progress.

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