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Data Centre Coronavirus Update

Message From Rack Centre Managing Director

I hope this message meets you and yours well.

At Rack Centre, the safety of my colleagues, our customers and all stakeholders is paramount. Maintaining business continuity and availability is the fundamental tenet of Rack Centre’s business. To this end, we instigated a Critical Response Team on February 27th 2020 to put in place very targeted actions to address the impact of the COVID-19 virus.

On Friday February 13th 2020, I sent a note, included below, which provided an update on our actions, which were also validated against global best practice advisory for our industry. In light of recent developments locally, we have enhanced our responses to enable longer-term business continuity, while maintaining standards of safety to staff, quality of service and safety for our customers who have to visit Rack Centre; also provided in the update below.

I reassure you of our utmost diligence for safety and business continuity, and we are in touch with relevant authorities for action planning and monitoring.

I wish you, your staff and customers the very best in these trying times and pray we get through with minimal impact.

– Ayotunde Coker (Managing Director, Rack Centre)
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