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Rack Centre Receives Tier III Certification From The Uptime Institute – A First For Nigeria & West Africa Data Centres – Featured

RACK CENTRE, a Nigerian data centre based in Lagos, has officially received Tier III Certification from the global data centre authority – The Uptime Institute. The accreditation is the first for a Nigerian data centre as well as the first for West and North Africa. It comes after a rigorous assessment of the data centre that resulted in the Tier III Certification for Design.

Rack Centre’s Lagos data centre went operationally live in October 2013. It was designed and built to Tier III standards. It has been engaged with the Uptime Institute over a lengthy period and is now officially certified on its data centre reliability. The Uptime Institute is “The Global Data Centre Authority” that facilitates and certifies data centres around the world on their reliability and uninterruptible availability. It also delivers due diligence assessments and certifications of site infrastructure and site management in accordance with the Tier and Operational Sustainability Standards in over 40 countries worldwide. (www.uptimeinstitute.com)

Data centre accreditation is defined by four tiers. The tiers start at a simple Tier 1 level which is equivalent to a server room and goes up to the most robust levels of Tier 3 and 4 which offer guaranteed availability and are designed to host mission critical computer systems with fully redundant subsystems, power, security and access control.

Rack Centre’s Executive Director, Maher Jarmakani, commented on their latest achievement saying “we are very excited to receive this accreditation which underlines our data centre’s robust design and reliability. We are committed to offering world class solutions and believe Nigeria and West Africa are ready to host mission critical infrastructure and deliver first class service to its tech savvy population.” He further added that “with the high demand for online and data services by the telcos, banks, enterprises, IT companies and online start-ups, Rack Centre offers a safe and reliable environment to host the Region’s  technology infrastructure and protected information.”

Rack Centre is a revolutionary solution to the Region’s data centre requirements with future phases taking its capacity to over 6,000 square metres (65,000sqft) of energy efficient and secure data centre space. Further information at www.rack-centre.com.

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