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Africa: The Next Digital Frontier

Compelling Economic Imperatives


Femi Oshinubi

Partner, West Africa Technology Leader, PwC Nigeria


Andrew Nevin

Partner & Chief Economist, PwC Nigeria

Ayotunde Coker

Managing Director/CEO

Rack Centre

Kabir Chal

Director, Real Estate, Actis

Maryam Lawal

Technical Specialist, World Bank Group

An Overview

For years, Africa’s Internet traffic was mainly exchanged in and/or destined for Europe and North America because content was hosted outside the continent. The effect of this was limited and expensive in-country and cross-border connections. The net result was not only poor performance, but barriers to growth were created, innovation was stifled, and operational efficiency was limited.

Building an African ecosystem over the last two decades has created the right environment for interconnection. There is more content hosted within the continent than more than ever before, leading to the increased interconnection between networks of carriers and content providers, bringing users as close as possible to content.

To truly enable a business to embrace digital transformation, interconnection is needed. According to Gartner, digital businesses are enabled and enhanced through high-speed, secure, low-latency communication among enterprise assets, cloud resources, and an ecosystem of service providers and peers.

The On-Demand webinar will address the following:

The compelling market environment and dynamics.
The business opportunities linked to the demographic and economic fundamentals of the continent.
The underpinning technology platforms for the new emerging opportunities in Africa
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