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Rack Centre, West Africa’s Leading Carrier Neutral Tier III Constructed Data Centre Achieves ISO 45001 Certification

LAGOS, NIGERIA, 8th August 2022: Rack Centre, an Actis majority-owned data centre and the leading carrier and cloud-neutral Tier III data centre in West Africa, has obtained the BSI ISO 45001 certification.

Rack Centre, West Africa’s leading carrier and cloud-neutral, tier III constructed facility and only IFC Edge certified data centre has obtained the BSI ISO 45001, an international standard for health and safety work developed by national and international committees, independent of governments. 

The BSI ISO 45001 is designed to help organisations of all sizes and industries put in place a safe working environment for their employees and will amongst other benefits enable Rack Centre to reduce workplace injuries, illnesses and create better, safer working conditions.

Rack Centre is one of the few data centres in the region to obtain the BSI ISO 45001 certification and this is in addition to previous ISO certifications obtained by West Africa’s leading carrier and cloud-neutral Tier III constructed facility – the ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System; the ISO/IEC 27001:2013, an Information Security Management System and the ISO 22301-2012, Business Continuity Management Certification. The certification also covers Rack Centre’s data centre campus expansion which increases the current data centre capacity from 1.5MW to 13MW and is slated for delivery in 2023.

Mr Ezekiel Egboye, Chief Operating Officer for Rack Centre reacting to receiving the BSI ISO 45001 certification said “we welcome this new addition to our array of BSI ISO certifications as it demonstrates vividly Rack Centre’s commitment to the safety of its workplace and a conducive environment for the workforce.

We are concerned about the physical and mental well-being of our workforce and are so dedicated to creating a favourable and internationally benchmarked environment for them. We will continuously evaluate and improve our practices, to ensure we provide a safe environment for our workforce, clients, and community.”.


About Rack Centre 

Founded in 2012, Rack Centre is the only carrier and cloud-neutral Tier III Constructed Facility Certified data centre in Africa and focuses solely on providing best-in-class data centre colocation services and unrestricted interconnect between carriers and customers.  This gives customers a technically superior, physically more secure and lower-cost environment for their information systems.

Rack Centre’s carrier neutrality allows customers to manage their data traffic to get better value, lower latency and increase network resilience and creates an open market for partnerships between customers, networks, cloud and content providers, the Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria and managed service providers.  

Rack Centre clients include over 45 telecommunication carriers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), global Tier 1 networks and pan Africa international carriers, including direct connection to all 5 undersea cables serving the South Atlantic Coast of Africa and every country on the Atlantic coast of Africa. 

For more information on Rack Centre:  

Frances Eza 

T : +234 913 931 7946

E: frances.eza@rack-centre.com 


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