Explore Our 12MW Data Centre Facility – Book a Virtual Tour Today!

Lagos Campus

Data Centre Facility

Rack Centre brings global best practice to Nigeria as the first carrier neutral data centre to achieve Uptime Institute Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF).

As the only truly carrier neutral player in the region,

Rack Centre allows unrestricted connectivity between customers, telecommunication carriers and internet exchange points within its data centres.
Its Tier III facility hosts the Internet Exchange Point of Point, IXPN, and Regional Exchange for West Africa with a sustained track record of outstanding customer service satisfaction and 100% uptime since its launch in 2013.

Our Carrier Neutral Ecosystem

Rack Centre is Carrier Neutral. This means Rack Centre is not owned by, or affiliated with, any telecommunications carrier, ISP or Managed Service Provider and will never compete with its customers who offer telecommunications and cloud services.

Our carrier neutral environment offers unrestricted interconnects between customers, as it allows them to manage traffic to get better value, lower latency and higher resilience.

An open market for partnerships between customers, networks, cloud and content providers, and managed service providers to conduct business seamlessly.

Over 64 carriers, ISPs and Content Delivery Networks and a comprehensive and unrestricted choice of services for customers. Fibre access to the facility is through three diverse routes and includes all five active undersea cables on Africa's Atlantic coast (WACS, Glo, ACE, Mainone and SAT3).

Free cross connections to the Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria accelerates performance by localising domestic traffic.

Data Centre Facility Specifications

Total Net Lettable White Space: 7200 sqm, Total IT Power 13.5 MW


Facility Specifications

I.T Load: 1.5MW

Net Lettable Space: 1200 SQM

Ready for Access: 255 Racks, 600 sqm and 750kW IT Power

  • Private Rack: 47U IT racks with private secured doors 
  • Tier III TCCF Constructed facility certified
  • Self-contained IT Rooms with 34 standard cabinets.
  • Remote hands: 24/7 support
  • Two independent and diverse meet-me rooms upstairs and downstairs.
  • Enhanced cross connect management.
  • Satellite Land Space and Shared Mast Space: Satellite space provision for telco partners and Shared mast space
  • Network / ISP Provider marketplace: Coordination of provider liaison
  • Migration Services: Planning, Risk Management, Movement, and Installation

Facility Specifications

8 Data Halls in Total

  • Total net lettable white space of 6000 square metres  
  • 12MW of IT power capacity


  • Dedicated secure, caged suite for client’s racks
  • Diverse power and connectivity circuits
  • 4 Retail Halls (Two on the Ground floor and Two on the first floor)


  • Hyperscale solution designed to international best practices 
  • 2 Hyperscale Data Halls (One on the Ground floor and One on the first floor)
  • 2 Large Footprint Data Halls (One on the Ground floor and One on the first floor)
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