West Africa's Best-Connected Carrier and Cloud Neutral Data Centre

Operational excellence with 100% uptime since launch in 2013

Best interconnect ecosystem in West Africa 

Over 64 carriers, ISPs and access to all eyeball networks and undersea cables

Unlimited internet exchange interconnection and peering

Why Choose Rack Centre?

You serve your customers better when you run your business from Rack Centre.


Infrastructure and operational efficiency are our key drivers for maintaining 100% uptime, zero downtime since launch in October 2013.


A network abundance with over 64 local carriers including all 5 undersea cables (ACE, GLO1, Main One, SAT-3, WACS). Not owned by a carrier, we never compete with telco and cloud services customers, and we deliver unrestricted interconnects between customers with more choice of connectivity providers.


We are 30 metres above sea level in a private estate and in an industrial area well served by connectivity and utilities.


We are providing reliable, secure and scalable infrastructure to Global cloud companies. Customers can grow their footprint at Rack Centre. We have completed the design of the Hyperscale Expansion Programme. The expansion programme of Rack Centre’s Lagos campus is the largest in West Africa and will create a facility with 13.5MW of IT power and 7200 square metres of lettable space. This expansion is market leading and will set the bar on hyperscale data centre initiatives in the region.


Rack Centre is constructed and sited with effective security within a private estate. There are ten (10) layers of physical security combined with both card and biometric access control devices. CCTV monitoring of the entire facility is available 24/7/365 with six months of footage immediately available for review on request. The data centre facility and business is certified to ISO 27001, the global information security quality standard.


Rack Centre targets regional industry leading Power Utilisation Efficiency (PUE). Rack Centre is working on various green data centre initiatives to set other benchmarks in the Africa data centre landscape.

About Rack Centre?

Founded in 2012, Rack Centre is the only carrier neutral Tier III Constructed Facility Certified data centre in Africa and focuses solely on providing best in class data centre colocation services and unrestricted interconnect between carriers and customers. This gives customers a technically superior, physically more secure and lower cost environment for their information systems.

Unveil the Future of Data Centres: Rack Centre Lagos Data Centre

 Book a virtual tour to Explore Our Latest 12MW Facility in Lagos Nigeria

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Take A Tour Of The Rack Centre Facility

With Rack Centre, you can run your business reliably!

Ready To Run Your Business Reliably From Rack Centre?

How Can Our Data Centre Services Help You?


Colocate your business in Rack Centre’s carrier neutral Tier III Constructed Facility Certified data with an impressive 100% uptime since inception. Colocate at our data centre facility for a fraction of the cost of building your own data centre.


CloudOnGround™ provides a comprehensive heterogeneous cloud neutral marketplace for cloud services hosted and delivered “on ground” within Rack Centre’s cloud neutral data centre. Our growing range of cloud providers deliver cloud solutions including IaaS, SaaS, DRaaS, PaaS and locally hosted websites with low latency,  high performance and peering with the Internet Exchange Point hosted at Rack Centre.


We provide a comprehensive ecosystem of over 64 carriers, ISPs & content distribution networks all major undersea cables directly connected. Our carrier neutral environment offers unrestricted interconnects between customers, as it allows them to manage traffic to get better value, lower latency and higher resilience.


Rack Centre is host to the leading IXP on the African continent, the Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN).

With 73+ ASNs and a wide range of local and global networks, enterprise, CDNs, and cloud and content providers, the exchange unlocks access to a population of over 380 million people on the west coast of Africa.


We provide rapid on-site remote eyes and hands support and infrastructure monitoring of assets hosted at Rack Centre, 24x7x365.


We provide reliable, low-latency communication, system integration and data exchange with free cross connect into the Internet Exchange hosted at Rack Centre; localising domestic traffic and accelerating performance.

Industries We Serve


Cloud & Content Providers looking to reduce latency issues, unreliability of local hosting infrastructure, complicated and ineffective access to multiple eyeball networks and meet up data sovereignty requirements.


For Telecoms looking to increase opportunities to service multiple customers from a single backhaul or last mile. Reduce distant to content and improve POP availability and reliability.


Outsourcers and Managed Service Providers looking to improve reliability and efficient resiliency of business operations.


Financial Firms looking to meet regulatory statutory compliance and outsource the burden of managing data centre operations to a reliable colocation data centre provider.


Oil & Gas/Energy & Enterprise Firms looking to reduce huge network connectivity spends, prevent ineffective in-house management of IT assets, improve reliability and efficient resiliency of business operations and meet up data sovereignty requirements.


Public Sector looking to reduce the burden of managing data centre operations, Latency issues and Data sovereignty requirements

What Clients & Media Are Saying About Rack Centre

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